Bioresonance and the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Inflammation

wooden blocks with letters on spelling TMJ

Temporomandibular joint inflammation is a disease of the temporomandibular joint due to corrosion or erosion on the lining around the joint which makes it difficult to move your jaws. Temporomandibular joint(TMJ) is the joint that connects the jaw on the upper side through the mandible bone to the skull through the lower side of the temporal bone of the human beings hence its name. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) help in moving your jaws smoothly when eating or talking.

The temporomandibular joint comprises of a combination of two bones, temporal and mandibular joints, muscles around the joints and the tendon. The parts where these joints come into contact is covered by special cartilage with a small disk that aid in the smooth movement of the joint. An inflammation of the joint happens when any of these areas are not functioning properly. Just like the way door or window hinges work, so is temporomandibular joints.

Symptoms of the temporomandibular joint inflammation

Any of the symptoms below can indicate that there is a problem with your temporomandibular joint. The symptoms may all appear at the same time or one at a time. If you have any of the symptoms, it may be an indication of the onset of the problem and should be checked.

  • Pain when moving the jaws
  • Clicking sound like the joints are knocking each other
  • The stiffness of the joint making it difficult to open the mouth
  • Pain in either the temporal or the mandibular joints
  • Aching kind of sounds coming from either ear
  • Facial pains
  • Locking of the joints

Causes of temporomandibular joint inflammation

Temporomandibular joint inflammation can be caused by one or all of the below factors. Also, it may be as a result of an underlying disease of the joints like arthritis which affects all joints in a human being. Here are the major causes;

  • Dislocation of the disk may be due to an accident
  • Weak immune system
  • Damages on the cartilage
  • Infection on the disk which makes it erode and reduce its lubricants
  • Arthritis
  • Jaw injury
  • Excessive pressure on the jaws may be by grinding hard objects
  • Genetics

Bioresonance treatment of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Inflammation

Temporomandibular joint inflammation may be diagnosed by having the doctor listen and record any sound coming from your jaws as you move them. He may also physically examine the position of the joint by simply feeling them through the hands. Further examination can be done using x-rays, MRI, scan, and TMJ arthroscopy.

Bioresonance can be used to diagnose temporomandibular joint inflammation. Bioresonance is an alternative means of treatment that is gaining popularity day in day out due to its effectiveness in treating some of the diseases. Bioresonance relies on the fact that any living matter like cells and tissues emits wavelengths as a means of communication between one cell and the other. When the cell is impaired, it sends abnormal wavelength resulting to poor communication. At this point, the body is not functioning properly.

Bioresonance uses a machine called BiCom to identify and regularize the affected wavelength back to normal. BiCom uses applicators which are put on the patient’s skin to send information on wavelengths. Bioresonance therapy treats temporomandibular joint inflammations by testing the electromagnetic waves of the patient to identify the cause of the inflammation on the joint. This therapy works at normalizing the protein synthesis that forms the lymphocytes which cause 50% of the inflammations on the joint linings. This Bioresonance therapy makes use of heat shock induction by strengthening and normalizing synthesis of heat shock protein which restores normal activities of the lymphocytes.

Heat shock induction enhances synthesis of protein on the lymphocytes increasing the healing process of the inflammations. Bioresonance, therefore, can be used to effectively diagnose temporomandibular joint inflammation by identifying the right place where the inflammation has occurred. With the right information, treatment can correctly be administered. The weak immune system could cause temporomandibular joint inflammation just like rheumatoid arthritis. Immune systems of a human being are influenced by the ability of the white blood cells to fight foreign bodies. White blood cells are produced by the lymphocytes.


Bioresonance therapy is an alternative way of treating various diseases. This therapy makes use of electromagnetic wavelength to identify the energy wavelength and the frequencies emitted by the body. An abnormal wavelength indicates a problem with the cells. Bioresonance therapy aims at harmonizing these wavelengths to enable proper communications between the cells.

In treating temporomandibular joint inflammation which could be caused by the weak immune system in the body, Bioresonance aims at enhancing synthesis of protein in the lymphocytes which then heals the inflammations. There could be several therapy sessions which depend on individual needs. Some people may heal faster while others take longer to heal. There is no specific answer as to how many therapy sessions an individual has to attend for complete healing.