Bioresonance Therapy And Pain

erasing pain

Pain is a global health concern and a leading cause of disability throughout the global population. The National Institute Of Health in the United States report that pain now affects more American adults than cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined does. They also report that pain is the most listed reason for patients in the United States accessing their health care system. Furthermore, pain has the most significant impact on health care costs in the country. At least 76.2 million American citizens suffer from pain that lasts for a period of 24 hours or longer, with many more suffering from acute pain symptoms. Pain can also occur in any part of the body and can vary from mild painful sensations to severe symptoms that cause a person’s ability to perform normal tasks to become impaired.

Areas That Are Most Commonly Affected By Pain

While pain can develop in any part of the human body, it seems like certain parts of the body are more prone to pain symptoms that others. ABC News reports that the most commonly affected areas of the body that patients experience pain in includes the back and head. Joints are also a commonly affected area, especially amongst patients that are developing or have been diagnosed with a type of arthritis. Apart from these, abdominal pain and chest pain also seems to be rather common. They also report that neck pain seems to rate at the top of painful regions in the human body as well.

How Is Pain Treated?

The treatment for pain really depends on how severe it is and what the underlying cause may be. It is important to note that pain is the result of something that is wrong within the human body; thus treating the underlying problem is vital to effectively alleviate the pain. In some cases, such as with a headache, pain can often be relieved by taking a painkiller. There are different types of painkillers, so it is also important to consider the severity of the headache when administering a painkiller as some painkillers are much stronger than others. Painkillers are not only used to treat headaches, but also as a treatment method for other types of pain – such as joint pain, back pain, dental pain and more. Let’s discuss the most common types of painkillers, including how they help to alleviate pain and their potential side-effects.

  • Paracetamol – Paracetamol is the most common kind of painkiller that is used by millions of people who experience pain. The most popular brands of paracetamol include Panadol, Disprol, Hedex and Calpol. Paracetamol reduces pain and, should a fever be present, it can also help to reduce the body’s temperature.
  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs – This group of painkillers is also known as NSAIDs. The most popular types of NSAIDs include Diclofenac, Naxproxen and Ibuprofen. Aspirin is also considered a NSAID due to its anti-inflammatory properties. NSAIDs mainly works by reducing inflammation throughout the body, but it is also effective in reducing pain symptoms.
  • Opioids – Also known as opiates, this group of painkillers can be divided into two groups – strong opioids and weak opioids. Stronger opioids are most often administered to patients in the hospital, while some of the weaker types can be purchased without a prescription. Codeine and Dihydrocodeine are the most common weak opioids. Stronger opioids include Tramadol, Morphine and Oxycodone.

Bioresonance Therapy

While there is a large variety of pain medication available to assist with the management of pain in patients, these options also lead to the development of unpleasant side-effects that could further impair a person’s abilities, with drowsiness being one of the most significant side-effects attributing to further disability. Bioresonance therapy, on the other hand, has been proven to be an effective option for treating pain symptoms without causing side-effects to develop. This technology is used to reduce the severity of pain by utilizing the information extracted from the individual patient’s own body. Several locations that are prone to pain symptoms have been effectively treated through bioresonance therapy, such as tennis elbow, heel spur and coxarthrosis. Depending on the severity of the pain experienced by a particular patient, successful results have been achieved within as little as a few hours. In some cases, however, it did take several days to weeks for pain to be completely alleviated, but the success rate of this therapy, combined with the fact that the treatment is free from any kind of side-effects, means bioresonance therapy poses as an effective alternative to conventional treatment options.


Pain affects millions of individuals throughout the world. While some patients experience acute pain for a short period of time, others experience chronic pain that can last for an extended period of time. Treatment for pain symptoms often includes medication that contains drugs that may lead to unpleasant side-effects, which is considered to be a contributor to an extended time of disability. Bioresonance is an alternative option for patients suffering from pain that poses as a side-effect free treatment method that effectively alleviates pain at virtually any level.