How Bioresonance Can Help Treating the Kidney Failures In Cats

gray Scottish cat in the good hands of a veterinarian, the doctor carefully calms the patient

It is interesting to notice how common similarities between kidney functions in humans and animals. But the treatment procedures are somehow different but not distinct. For a while now, most veterinarians are adopting homeopathic remedies for treating animals. One of the most significant breakthroughs is the embracing of bioresonance therapy. But can bioresonance help in treating kidney failure in cats? That is the question we will look into in this article.

Diagnosis of kidney failure in cats

Like in all animals, the cat kidneys perform essential functions of detoxification of the body. When the process does not operate BICOM optima®lly, then adverse repercussions occur. The inability of the kidneys to function well is known as cat kidney failure. There are two types of kidney failure in cats, acute renal failure and chronic kidney problems. Acute renal failure is easier to detect, but chronic kidney failure takes time to build up. Thus it is harder to detect. If the veterinarians detect both failures on time, a medical reversal is possible.

The universal clinical manifestations of kidney failure and other diseases in cats are the same. Since the cats do not have the benefit of language communication, diagnosis becomes harder. Thus, the veterinarian takes more time trying to eliminate the symptoms for a definitive diagnosis. The use of bioresonance comes in to shorten this process. It is more precise in detecting the source of the problem and much quicker. Alternative therapy is popular for not exposing the cats and other animals to pain and trauma. 

The cat stays on a mat that has electromagnetic frequencies. A veterinarian then puts applicators on the body of the cat connected to a bicom machine. The applicators detect the negative frequencies from the sick kidney. In response, the device relays back the correct electromagnetic frequencies to the kidney. This helps in triggering the kidney cells to gradually start performing the essential functions. 

After the diagnosis, the veterinarian will be able to formulate a better treatment plan with full knowledge of what is ailing the cat. The therapy also shows the extent of the damage and how long it may take for the restoration. This information is crucial in the rehabilitation of the kidneys to normalcy. While conventional therapy involves taking samples to the laboratory, bioresonance does not. It is much friendlier to the animal. The animal relaxes as it goes through the diagnosis sessions. The conventional laboratory testing means extracting blood samples and other relevant tissues or fluids from the animal. 

Treating kidney failure in cats with bioresonance

The overall treatment of cat kidney failure entails the use of synthetic medication, proper diet, and in some rare cases, surgeries. The first two options are the most common with animal doctors. Medication and special diets go simultaneously. The aim is to provide the cat with supplements that give the best nutrients for revamping of the kidneys. Drugs should also regulate blood pressure and lower phosphorus levels. With higher potassium levels, the drug will promote proper kidney functions in the cat. 

For bioresonance to work well on kidney therapy, it is best to provide a highly nutritional diet. While you give that diet, try and minimize if possible, the use of antibiotics. With a weak kidney, the antibiotics will put more pressure on the detoxification function of the organ. A diet full of water and moisture is the starting point. Discuss with your veterinarian about the formulation of the supplements in the diet instead of medication. High water contents in meals will help minimize the levels of toxins in the body. With a proper diet and bioresonance detoxification, the kidney will get better after three to ten sessions.

Benefits of bioresonance treatment on kidney failure in cats

Cats cannot tell their stories with words. This means that you cannot detect the real problem your cat has. It is prudent for your pet doctor to have a reliable diagnosis process that will find the cause on time. Bioresonance does that in one session. The electromagnetic impulses detect the failing kidney in good time. Besides, it reflects the extent of the damage. A proper diagnosis of the disease is the first and most important part of the treatment procedure.

Apart from the precision in diagnosis, it is real-time. The results come out during the first therapy. This helps in reducing the time for the recovery process for the cat. In turn, you spend less time on laboratory evaluations that usually goes with the initial diagnosis.

Since it does not involve retrieving of samples from the cat, it is painless. The cat suffers fewer traumas during the sessions. It is the exposure to less pain and trauma that helps the cat develops a liking for the sessions. Eventually, the cat starts responding well to the therapy.

With a remedy that revolves around diet and supplements, it is easy for the cat to recover sooner. The dietary procedure has fewer toxins that go into the body. When the kidneys fails, the body should have fewer toxins going in the system.


Though it is a therapy conventional in humans, bioresonance therapy is causing a revolution in animal health. With more animal health experts embracing homeopathic medicine, it will soon be the norm. Whether the debate on its effectiveness is real or fictional, some more people and experts vouch for the treatment. Thus bioresonance therapy will still be in use for treating kidney failure in cats.