How Bioresonance Therapy Could Be Useful For Patients With Gonarthrosis

The knees contain some of the most important joints within the body – they allow us to move from one location to another. Without these joints, walking would not be possible, and when these joints develop problems, walking and movement can not only become more difficult and uncomfortable but also painful. Gonarthrosis, a term often used to describe arthrosis of the knee, is one of the leading problems that cause disability in the entire world. You may also know the condition of knee osteoarthritis. The condition causes the breakdown of cartilage contained within the knee and can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

One of the most unfortunate facts to learn for patients diagnosed with gonarthrosis is that the condition does not have any cure, at least not at the moment. This, however, does not mean patients affected by the condition need to live with the discomfort and pain. Treatments are available to help alleviate pain, inflammation and discomfort, as well as to improve joint mobility. Bioresonance therapy can also be used as an additional option to further assist with reducing the severity of the symptoms and to provide an improvement in overall flexibility and functioning of the knee joint.

Symptoms Of Gonarthrosis

It is important to identify the symptoms of gonarthrosis early on to ensure treatment protocols can be started as soon as possible. This may assist with reducing the rate at which the disease progresses, and may help a patient experience a higher quality-of-life, as compared to discovering the disease at a later stage. The most common symptom that may signal the presence of gonarthrosis includes pain in the knee. The pain usually tends to get worse when an affected patient is active, such as when they are walking or taking a jog. With rest, the pain usually tends to subside at least a little.

In addition to pain, other symptoms may also develop due to this condition. Inflammation is a relatively common symptom caused by gonarthrosis. The knee region may also feel warm and stiff. Most patients with gonarthrosis find that their knee is stiff when they wake up in the morning, or after they have been in a still position for some time. A reduction in flexibility and mobility of the knee are also common among patients with the condition. As the disease starts to develop, patients may also start to notice a cracking sound when they move their knees.

Causes Of Gonarthrosis

There are different contributing factors that may lead to the development of gonarthrosis. Realizing the risk factors and possible causes can help a particular individual reduce their risk of developing the condition. Women are at a higher risk of developing the condition, as well as individuals who are older than 40 years of age. Obesity and being overweight places excess pressure on the knees during movement, which can also lead to gonarthrosis and joint damage in the knees. Individuals who have a family history of osteoarthritis may also be at an increased risk of developing this condition.

An injury is another possible cause of gonarthrosis, as well as having undergone surgery on the knee. Individuals who participate in actions that are physically demanding, or sports that require repetitive actions, are also at an increased risk.

In addition to these risk factors, it is also important to note that suffering from another condition that affects the joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis, places an individual at a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis in their knees.

Can Bioresonance Assist With Managing The Symptoms Of Gonarthrosis

Bioresonance therapy has become more popular in recent years, offering a solution to assist with the treatment of many diseases and illnesses. Many studies have also been performed to produce evidence of the effectiveness in the use of Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of arthritis conditions that affect specific parts of the body, including the knee.

A study conducted in Russia monitored the effect of Bioresonance therapy, in combination with standardized treatment options, among 35 patients who had been diagnosed with Gonarthrosis. Another 40 patients were provided similar standardized treatment methods but without the addition of Bioresonance therapy. The study was conducted over a six-week period, but a 12-month follow-up was also obtained in order to determine the longer-term effects of both treatment protocols. Standardized treatments included the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and a reduction in activities that placed excessive pressure upon the knees.

It was found that the symptoms experienced by patients with Gonarthrosis were reduced more effectively when the standardized treatment protocols combined with Bioresonance therapy, as compared to the group who only obtained the standardized treatment options. Additionally, the group who did not receive Bioresonance therapy treatment reported more intense pain returning within the first six months, while the group who did receive Bioresonance therapy treatments reported mild pain symptoms throughout the year, without any intense or serious symptoms becoming present at any time during the 12-month period.


Osteoarthritis of the knee, also called Gonarthrosis, can be a disabling condition, causing pain, reduced function of the knee joint, and other unwanted symptoms. Treatment options can help to alleviate the symptoms and assist with knee function, but the condition cannot be cured. The combination of conventional treatment methods, along with Bioresonance therapy, has been proven to deliver an effective reduction in the severity of the symptoms patients experiences, and provide longer-term solutions as compared to some of the current medical procedures offered to patients diagnosed with the condition.