Most commonly diagnosed cancers and how bioresonance therapy give patients a better outlook on life

cancer, word. on blue background with colourful letters

If you suspect you have cancer then you must see a health professional.

Being diagnosed with cancer is something every person fears. Many people consider cancer to be like a life sentence. The disease has killed millions of people and can develop unexpectedly. Even though information regarding the symptoms of cancer is readily available, the symptoms often overlap with symptoms that other diseases cause; thus a person may not immediately consider cancer a possibility when symptoms develop. In some cases, however, a patient may consider cancer a possibility, when their symptoms are caused by another underlying health concern.

There are now more than 200 different cancers that can be diagnosed in the human body, each affecting a different part of the body. Some cancers are more dangerous than others, but they all should be treated promptly and adequately to increase the chances of surviving against the disease. Certain types of cancer are more prevalent amongst the general population – we would like to look at these more common cancers in this article and then discuss how Bioresonance therapy is helping patients improve their outlook on life.

Most Prevalent Cancers Amongst The General Population

According to Everyday Health, the most commonly diagnosed cancer types include lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer, amongst other. To help readers and patients better understand these cancers, let’s look at each of them separately.

Lung Cancer

Cancerous tumors in the lungs can be deadly and ranks second in the list of most commonly diagnosed cancers amongst both genders, as reported by the American Cancer Society. Lung cancer accounts for approximately 14% of newly diagnosed cancers. Approximately 222,500 patients will be diagnosed with lung cancer in the year 2017. As much as 155,870 patients will die from lung cancer in the same year.

NHS choices report that patients should be wary of coughs that don’t go away and simply seems to get worse, as well as infections in their chest that don’t seem to go away. When blood is expelled while coughing, it may also signal lung cancer. Breathlessness and pain while breathing are also two symptoms associated with this cancer.

Breast Cancer

Amongst women, breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer. Breast cancer is more common amongst women than lung cancer is. This particular type of cancer refers to cancerous tumors developing in the breasts. Even though it is most common amongst women, it is important to know that breast cancer can also affect men. According to, approximately 12% of all women will experience invasive tumors in their breasts during their lifetime. Amongst men, approximately 2,470 new cases of this cancer is estimated to be diagnosed in 2017.

Symptoms to look for includes the development of new lumps, as well as a change in the skin’s texture. The nipple’s direction may also change and some patients find that they experience a discharge from their nipple as a symptom. In some cases, crusting or a rash around the nipple might also develop.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a particular type of cancer that affects men. Unlike breast cancer that can still affect men, even though it is more commonly found amongst women, prostate cancer does not affect women since women do not have a prostate gland. As the name suggests, this type of cancer refers to tumors developing in the prostate gland of the male body. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2017, accounting for up to 9.6% of all new cancer diagnoses. Approximately 26,730 of men are expected to die from prostate cancer in the same year.

A considerable problem about prostate cancer is the fact that symptoms often do not tend to appear at the earlier stages of the disease. Men also experience unique symptoms often. Some urinary symptoms may signal prostate cancer, as well as blood being present in semen, ejaculation becoming painful and a numb feeling in the feet, legs and hips.

Cancer And Bioresonance

Bioresonance therapy is now widely used amongst doctors, especially those in the holistic medicine industry, to assist with diagnosing medical health concerns including cancer. By sending electromagnetic waves into the patient’s body and then reading signals that are sent back to the device, bicom technology is able to identify potential problems that are present in the patient’s body. In cases where a patient is being treated for cancer, bioresonance devices can be utilized to assist with easing the symptoms and improving the patient’s overall quality of life.


Cancer can affect any person at any stage of their lives. Even though certain types of cancers are more common amongst specific groups of people, any person can still develop these cancers, regardless of their age, lifestyle habits or gender. Knowing what symptoms to pay attention to will help people get diagnosed with cancer earlier or rule out cancer as a potential cause. Bioresonance therapy acts as both a diagnostic tool, as well as an option to assist those undergoing current treatment for existing cancerous tumors in their body.