Scientific Evidence Behind The Effectiveness Of Bioresonace Therapy

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With so many new names of diseases being mentioned on the internet and sometimes even in local publications, as well as the many reports about patients experiencing severe side-effects to pharmaceutical drugs when doctors administer such drugs to them to assist with the treatment of particular types of diseases or health ailments, people are starting to turn to natural approaches to help them not only treat some common medical conditions, but also to help improve their immune system and overall health to protect themselves against diseases. This is a fortunate movement, since the natural and holistic approaches often deliver powerful methods of treatment and even offers effective results when utilized to maintain a higher level of health.

It is not only the herbs and spices in our kitchen that is becoming more and more included in our daily diets to help us reap their benefits, but many holistic healing approaches are also now becoming more popular. Bioresonance therapy is only one of the many holistic approaches to healing the body and strengthening the body’s ability to fight against common diseases. Unfortunately, even with bioresonance therapy, there is still a large concern that the technology is “quackery” – not effective, but rather a procedure that wastes a person’s money. To help clarify the effectiveness that bioresonance therapy delivers, we will look at some important scientific studies behind this type of holistic healing method; thus offering proof of the usefulness that bioresonance therapy poses in the modern world.

Bioresonance Therapy And Allergies

Allergies can be awful, restricting a person’s list of consumable foods and even placing a restriction on the locations they can visit and the particular types of environments they may find themselves in. There are different types of allergies, but all are truly unpleasant. The American Academy Of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology reports that approximately 7.8% of American adults suffer from hay fever, that up to 10% of the global population suffers from at least one drug allergy and that approximately 8% of all children experiences food allergies.

One of the most popular uses of bioresonance therapy is in the treatment of allergy symptoms, as well as in identifying the particular types of allergies affecting a particular patient. Bioresonance therapy has been used for these functions since its invention. A review paper published on Science Direct explains that, after observing a total of 14 scientific studies about bioresonance therapy and its effectiveness in treating allergy symptoms, it seems like the majority of the results found in these studies found the technology to produce positive results. It is noted that it seems like the technology works better on younger patients. No side effects are noted in any of these studies.

Bioresonance Therapy And The Gut

The gastrointestinal tract is one of the most vital parts of the human body, assisting with the processing and digestion of everything that is consumed. Inflammation, infection and many others problems can develop within the gastrointestinal tract, causing a range of symptoms that may include diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, bloating, gas and more. Many diseases can also affect the gut, with inflammatory bowel disease being one of the most common.

Many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. One particular study, published on New Options Australia, considered the effectiveness of this technology in the treatment of two relatively common diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, being ulcerative colitis and Morbus Chron, both being considered chronic inflammatory bowel disorders.

After utilizing a BICOM device, the practitioner found that the majority of patients had food allergies, with wheat-protein allergies and cow milk allergies being the most common amongst all patients. Thus, the practitioner had determined that these patients were experiencing numerous symptoms due to their allergies to these particular products. After treating the patients and advising them on appropriate diet changes, most patients were able to experience improvements in their symptoms.

Other Conditions Treated Through Bioresonance Therapy

While allergies and gastrointestinal disorders are the most common conditions to be treated with bioresonance therapy, these are certainly not the only diseases where this particular type of technology is useful in relieving symptoms and assisting the body with healing itself – often without the use of pharmaceutical intervention.

Bioresonance therapy has also shown promising results when used in the treatment of weight management, cancers, drug and smoking addiction, sports injuries and painful areas on the body, migraines, dental problems, neurological disorders, infectious diseases, asthma and skin-related problems. Many studies have also provided promising evidence that bioresonance therapy can be utilized in the treatment of mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, as well.


Bioresonance therapy is based on the fact that every single cell and organism within the human body emits types of electromagnetic waves; thus utilizing these waves in order to heal the body and rid the body of toxins, as well as stressors. Even though many might still consider the idea behind this technology bogus, we have noted some significant studies behind bioresonance therapy that needs to be considered as we enter a new era of medical care.