Weight Gain – Bioresonance Therapy

bare feet stood on scales


Personal weight control is a global issue that everyone can relate to. The scary thing about uncontrolled weight gain is that it can be triggered by many factors and affect anyone around the world. Regardless of their race, gender and ethnicity, problems with weight management are bound to arise. To further complicate matters, once the additional weight starts to pile on, it tends to become a permanent fixture. Individuals might enthusiastically try to lose weight initially, but they ultimately run out of steam if there are no immediate visible results.

According to statistics provided by the Obesity Knowledge and Intelligence team of Public Health England, close to 62% of the UK adult population are either overweight or obese. This statistic accounts for 65% of the male population and 58% of the female population. While it is mathematically proven that men are more likely to be overweight, a higher percentage of women fall into the obese category, with body mass index ranging above 30.

feet on bathroom scale. scale reader says help.

The Prevalence of Weight Gain

Such a prevalence in modern society has caused a great deal of distress to many people. Nonetheless, the first step to addressing this issue is to identify the primary causes of weight gain. Listed below are some of the causes of weight gain that have been scientifically proven.

  • Food Addiction / Availability

A major cause of excessive weight gain is the quality and quantity of food readily available to the general public. Fast food restaurants easily outnumber healthy food outlets and the heavy use of food additives play an influential role in this global trend as well. These junk foods are manufactured in such a way that with each bite, the reward center of the human mind is stimulated to crave for more. In fact, many health experts have compared this phenomenon to addiction such as alcohol, nicotine, and gambling. This highlights the importance of eating healthy. Ultimately, the physical body is a true reflection of what it consumes.

  • Genetics

The role of genetics is rather controversial when it comes to weight gain. Many scientific studies have shown that children of obese parents have an exponentially higher risk of being overweight as compared to other children with lean parents. Nonetheless, this can be attributed to their lifestyle habits and separate reports have also shown that a change in environment can easily counteract this effect.

  • Lack of Sleep

When someone habitually stays up late, they face an increased risk of consuming snacks and supper. Not only does this lead to more calorie intake, but it also prevents the body from engaging in an adequate rest cycle. In addition to this detrimental effect, the standard hormone levels go through a change at night which increases appetite and hunger. This creates a vicious cycle that leads to more late-night snacking and more calories.

  • Stress

In this day and age, no one can escape from the clutches of stress. However, effective stress management is essential as it can help to prevent weight gain. When the human mind is experiencing intensive stress levels, it produces excessively high amounts of cortisol. This stress hormone leads to an increased appetite and most people unconsciously would reach for comfort foods that are loaded with calories.

  • Medications

Last but not least, pharmaceutical drugs are known to possess harmful side effects. One of these side effects is the potential for weight gain. While these drugs are effective for treating specific health conditions, they are known to alter the human body’s internal structure that causes it to store more fat rather than burning it.

Corrective Measures

Given the wide range of factors that can lead to excessive weight gain, affected individuals should note that different weight loss treatments yield different results for each person. Without thorough evaluation and careful planning, the odds are highly stacked against those who are trying to lose weight. However, when each of the factors above is taken into consideration, it becomes clear that calories play a big part in weight management. Essentially, a higher calories expense than intake would help individuals lose weight. Some of the common weight loss treatments include:

  • Consumption of healthy foods
  • Avoid unhealthy habits (Such as alcohol consumption and smoking)
  • Implement adequate sleep cycle
  • Focus on stress management
  • Engage in regular physical activities
  • Consider weight loss supplements

Bioresonance Therapy

A majority of people rely on healthy living and regular exercise to achieve their weight loss goals. Although these methods are not known to produce fast results, they have been proven to work in the long run. More recently, a revolutionary weight loss treatment has created quite a buzz within the medical community. Known as Bioresonance therapy, this treatment utilizes the functions of a BICOM device to help individuals achieve effective weight loss.

The device can be programmed to suit individual requirements. This treatment method capitalizes on the acupuncture points on the human body to alter characteristics such as metabolism rate and hormone levels. It also confers detoxification benefits to the body and enhances the autonomic nervous system at the same time. When successfully incorporated with a healthy diet and regular physical activities, individuals are able to tip the scales in their favour and achieve their ideal weight loss in the process.


Being medically categorized as overweight can easily cause undue stress and anxiety to most people. However, being afraid of such an event does not prevent the fats from piling on. In fact, living in constant stress can create the perfect breeding ground for the body to store more fats. Instead of mulling over the excess fat, individuals are better off searching for effective weight loss treatments.

Naturally, most health experts would advocate implementing a healthy diet and incorporate a regular exercise regime. While these methods have been tried and tested over the centuries, they only produce results over the long run. To shorten the duration needed for weight loss, individuals might want to consider utilizing Bioresonance therapy. Although still relatively new to the medical industry, initial reports have indicated a high success rate as a weight loss treatment. As health professionals become more aware of its potential, it is expected that Bioresonance therapy will be widely prescribed in the near future.