If this is your first time..

Don’t worry! We have been providing this therapy for many years; you are in safe hands. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact using the methods on this website.

In order to provide an effective therapy we need to be able to test you first, this test looks for energetic stress in the body and what are the causes. 

There are 2 test options: the detailed postal body scan and the initial consultation. 

Bicom Body Scan: This is very comprehensive and scans your body using thousands of frequencies, we find things that you might not have realised were causing your health issues. A detailed 10-30 page report is sent via email and shows all the body areas with higher levels of stress, it also has a really useful list of foods to avoid and foods that are beneficial. This also provides a clear starting point that you can refer back to and observe your progress. This service does not include therapy. 

Initial Consultation: We still test you but only for the most common stresses. No report is provided for this test but the items that we add to the therapy session will be listed in the session report that is emailed to you.

Postal Service


Remote Therapies

Body Scan with report

Original price was: £230.00.Current price is: £189.00.

Remote Therapies

Initial Consultation

Original price was: £190.00.Current price is: £160.00.

In Person at Leeds, UK

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £230.00.
Original price was: £80.00.Current price is: £65.00.