Synergistic Supplementation, bioenergetics and advice

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study - Drug Abuse

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study - Drug Abuse

November 18, 20242 min read

One client had been reviewing several different Non-Linear Analysis Scanner (NLS) devices. NLS scanners are biofeedback, or bioresonance, devices that use electromagnetic signals to scan a patient. These wavelengths are emitted by the machine and the patient’s response to the signals is measured, often through applicators on the skin. The results of these scans are displayed on a diagram that identifies the different levels of stress around the body.

The NLS devices that the client looked into included the Asyra, Elibra, Deta ellis, SCIO, Zyto and Rayonex. All of these are devices that use stored frequencies and scan the body; the level of accuracy varies for each of these scanners.

The client decided to visit the Reson8 clinic in order to ascertain the efficacy of the BICOM® BodyCheck device, which is also an NLS scanner. Rather than examining an organ's structure, the BodyCheck assesses organ function in a non-invasive manor through the use of headphones. The results of the scan are scored on a scale of 1-6 with different coloured shapes; the colour used depends on the severity of the stress in that particular area.

The client’s daughter had recently succeeded in overcoming a serious drug addiction that had lasted for years. She had been able to conquer her life-threatening addiction with the help of BICOM® therapy.

The daughter was then assessed using the BICOM® BodyCheck scanner. For the most part, the scan didn’t reveal any serious problems and it seemed like the young woman was in good general health. However, when the feet area was being scanned, very high levels of stress and damage were identified on the left foot, which were indicated by black squares on the diagram. Conversely, the right foot was shown to be completely normal with no causes for concern.

This was a very unusual result, so, at first, it seemed that a mistake must have been made or that there must have been a problem with the device. The patient’s facial expression revealed that this was not the case; she looked completely surprised. She then disclosed that the top of the left foot had been where she used to inject herself when she was struggling with drug abuse.

The patient had not indicated where she used to administer the drugs before being tested with the BodyCheck device, neither had she identified any problems with her foot. Therefore, this case study proves that the BICOM® BodyCheck can be very effective in pinpointing where there is stress in organs and other areas of the body.

Accurately identifying points of stress can lead to much more targeted treatment that will most benefit the patient. Energetic damage that is identified with the BodyCheck scanner can then be treated with the BICOM® bioresonance method in order to restore balance within the body.


infections in Animals

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