Using magnetic vector potential in medical testing

Most living tissue possesses the capacity for a current to pass through it and energy is required to initiate this flow. Due to the tissue’s ability to create its own electromotive force, when the current flowing through it is increased, behind it develops an electromagnetic field pulling against it that requires additional energy to overcome. Moreover, when two conductive tissues with currents flowing in the same direction are placed side by side, a magnetic field is created. This magnetic field creates an attractive force between the two, pulling them together and requiring more energy to keep them held in the same position.

Every biomagnetic field that is produced by the human body, either by the brain, the muscles, the heart, or another organ, possesses associated vector potentials. These interactions of the body system with electromagnetic fields are best studied through individuals who have acquired a hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Findings from a number of double-blind trials have demonstrated that individuals with a hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields became hypersensitive as the result of a failure within some patient-specific regulatory system. This then leads to changes within the electromagnetic field and magnetic vector potentials that previously were imperceptible and, thus, believed to be only hypothetical in nature. However, evidence now exists regarding the presence of these vector potentials and they may be measured in order to gather information regarding the regulation failure within the system.

Previous work with these hypersensitive patients revealed that patients with hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields will respond to water that has been imprinted in similar ways. More specifically, patients may hold a container of water in their hand for a short period of time, allowing the water to imprint the body’s electromagnetic resonances and vector potentials. Then, the water may be used as a surrogate for testing. The idea of using structured water is not new to the field of biology and can be quite beneficial, particularly for patients who are too sick or weak to be exposed to even very slight electromagnetic current oscillations. Using this imprinted water, impaired resonances can be amplified and detected. Thus, by using this information from the individual’s own electromagnetic field and magnetic vector potentials, healthcare providers are able to gain insight into the individual’s specific impairments. This then will allow for more accurate assessments of disease, as well as allowing healthcare providers to tailor treatment interventions in a more personalized manner. Moreover, there is some evidence to suggest that these electromagnetic fields may be employed for reorganizing the system and correcting impairments in system regulation.


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