Tag Archives: Bicom bioresonance therapy

Clinical study on the use of BICOM resonance therapy on overstrain syndrome in top sportsmen

Dr_ med. Breda Jesensek Papcz, Dr. med. prim, Joze Barpvic German translation and adaptation T. Rome and R. Moyses Introduction The organism’s biophysical processes are fundamental characteristics which are present in all organisms and are superordinate to biochemical processes. The frequency range extends from very short to the extremely long wave range. The body creates […]

Experiences from Kenya

a zoomed in atlas of africa with a pin in kenya

Re: Case studies, BICOM®. I decided that before I send any other case studies, it was optimum to start at the beginning! Case study No 1. A short case study of  myself and my family. We as a family got exposed to BICOM® therapies about 15 years ago, here in Kenya.  Obviously, having experienced  the […]