Tag Archives: bioresonance

Bioresonance Therapy And Bronchitis

Bronchitis - diagnosis written on a white piece of paper. Syringe and vaccine with drugs

Bronchitis is a common problem that can cause life threatening conditions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around 8.7 million patients was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis in the past year. This makes up for 3.6% of the American population. They also report that in the past year, approximately 285,000 patients had emergency department […]

How Bioresonance Can Be Used In The Dentistry Industry

white healthy tooth, different tools for dental care

Well maintained oral health can be beneficial for every person, whereas poor oral hygiene may lead to the development of gum disease, tooth decay and has even been linked to a wide variety of health conditions – some of which are not even directly associated with the mouth. For these reasons, dentists and oral hygienists […]

Breakthrough In Homeopathy Discovered, But Bioresonance May Still Be A More Effective Approach

homeopathy bottles mixed with leaves and dried herbs

When you think back a few hundred years, then you think about the fact that medicine was not developed yet and people had to rely on mother nature to help them recover from disease and take care of infections. While the death rates were relatively higher in those older times, there was quite a lot […]

A Comprehensive Overview Of Bioresonance Therapy

bicom device with text, 5 in 1 concept

The medical industry has evolved a lot in the last decade. In ancient times, people had to turn toward plants and other natural sources to treat illnesses – ranging from a common cold to a more serious, life-threatening disease. Then came the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, offering drugs that can treat just about any […]