Tag Archives: bioresonance

A Comprehensive Overview Of Bioresonance Therapy

bicom device with text, 5 in 1 concept

The medical industry has evolved a lot in the last decade. In ancient times, people had to turn toward plants and other natural sources to treat illnesses – ranging from a common cold to a more serious, life-threatening disease. Then came the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, offering drugs that can treat just about any […]

How Bioresonance Can Be Useful In Identifying Food Intolerances

Test tube with blood sample for food intolerance test

What we put into our bodies matter a lot. It is already a commonly known fact that we require an adequate supply of daily nutrients, which can be obtained by consuming a lot of fresh whole foods, such as vegetables and fruits, as well as consuming food sources that contain nutrients not found in these […]

Bioresonance And Allergic Rhinitis

flatlay of hand holding tissue on a blue background, with other tissues, tablets and nasal spray

Allergic Rhinitis, also commonly called hay fever, is an allergic reaction that the body experiences when exposed to particular types of allergens. The condition can be troublesome and have a considerable adverse impact on a person’s ability to perform certain day-to-day tasks, mostly due to the numerous symptoms that can be caused by the human […]

The Usefulness Of Bioresonance Therapy In Live And Dry Blood Analysis

red blood cells

The blood circulatory system of the human body is one of the most important systems throughout the entire body. This system ensures every single tissue in the human body, including muscle tissue, organs and other bodily parts obtain an adequate supply of blood – the blood that is delivered to various parts of the body […]