Here is a list of all the foods tested for intolerance
Acetyisalicylic acid | E202 potassium sorbate | Peanut butter |
Addiction to smoking | E210 benzoic acid | Peanut oil |
Adzuki beans | E211 sodium benzoate | Peanuts |
Agar agar | E212 potassium benzoate | Peanuts |
Agar agar | E214 PHB-ester | Pear |
Alfalfa sprouts | E216 PHB-propylester | Pear, peeled |
Alfalfa-sprouts | E218 PHB methyl ester | Peas |
Alga (China-restaurant) | E220 sulphur dioxide | Pepper, black |
Almonds | E221 sodium sulfite | Peppermint, dried |
Amaranth | E223 sodium disulfite | Pernod |
Anchovies in oil (no can) | E224 kalium disulfite | Phenol solvent |
Aniseed | E230 biphenyl | Phenylquicksilveracetate |
Apple | E233 thiabendazole | Physalis |
Apple tea ‘Teekanne Fixapfel’ | E249 potassium nitrite | Pickles |
Apple, dried | E250 sodium nitrite | Pig liver, boiled |
Apple, peeled | E251 sodium nitrate | Pig liver, raw |
Apricot aroma | E252 potassium nitrate | Pimento |
Apricots | E310 octylgallate | Pine nuts |
Armagnac | E310 Propylgallat | Pineapple (Hawaii) |
Aroma apple | E312 Dodecylgallat | Pineapple, dried |
Aroma apricot 1 | E320 butylate hydroxy anisol (BHA) | Pistachio (salted, roasted) |
Aroma banana | E321 butylhydroxitoluole | Pistachio kernel |
Aroma cherry | E322d lecithin (egg yolk) | Plaice |
Aroma Coca-Cola | E322s lecithin (soya) | Plums |
Aroma herbs | E330 citric acid | Plums, dried |
Aroma pear | E338 orthophosphoric acid | Pollack |
Aroma raspberry | E339b disodium orthophosphate | Pomegranate |
Aroma rum | E340a mono potassium orthophosphate | Pomelo |
Arrowroot flour | E340b dipotassium orthophosphate | Poppy oil |
Artichoke | E340c tribasic potassium orthophosphate | Poppy seeds |
Asparagus, white | E341c tribasic calcium orthophosphate | Pork (bacon) |
Aspartame (Assugrin) | E355 adipine acid | Pork sausage |
Aubergine | E412 Guar | Pork, boiled |
Avocado | E414 gum arabic | Pork, organic |
Avocado | E420a sorbite | Pork, raw |
Avocado oil | E421 mannitol | Potato |
Baby beverage ‘Hipp’ apricot | E450 sodium dihydrogenphosphate | Potato chips |
Baby beverage ‘Hipp’ carrot | E450a tribasic sodium diphosphate | Potato snacks |
Baby food ‘Himmeltau’ oatmeal | E450c sodiumpolyphosphate | Prawns, boiled |
Baby food ‘Hipp’ blueberries and apples | E620 monosodium glutamate | Prawns, raw |
Baby food ‘Hipp’ wholemeal spaghetti with beef | E621 sodium glutamate | Preserving sugar |
Baby food ‘Milupa 7-cereals-gruel’ | E622 potassium glutamate | Preserving sugar |
Baby food ‘Milupa Aptamil 1’, sucrose free | E623 calcium glutamate | Pretzel sticks |
Baby food ‘Milupa’ creamed fruit with chocolate | E951 aspartame | Prickly pear |
Baby food ‘Milupa’ creamed milk +7-grains | E952 cyclamate | Primary yeast |
Baby food ‘Milupa’ creamed wholegrain with fruit | E954 saccharin | Procain (NOVANAESTH PURUM) |
Baby food ‘Milupa Milumil 1’ | Edible snail | Provolone cheese |
Baby food ‘Milupa Miluvit’ semolina pudding | Eel | Pumpkin |
Baby food ‘Milupa’ pureed vegetables | Egg white | Pumpkin cores |
Baby food ‘Milupa’ with creamed rusks and fruit | Egg white (cooked) | Pumpkin seed oil |
Baby jiuce ‘Hipp’ orange+passion fruit+apple juice | Egg white (cooked) | Pure cultivation yeast (LaVie inc.) |
Baby juice ‘Hipp Baby C’ | Egg yolk | Quince |
Baby tea ‘Hipp’ instant orange tea | Egg yolk (cooked) | Quinine |
Baby tea ‘Milupa’ instant fennel tea | Egg yolk (cooked) | Radicchio |
Bacon | Elder fruits | Radish |
Baking powder | Elderflower tea | Radish sprouts |
Banana | Endives | Radish, black |
Barley | Ethoxyquin | Radishes, white |
Barley malt | Eugenol | Raisins |
Barley sprouts | Fennel | Rape oil |
Basil, dried | Fenugreek sirup | Raspberries |
Basilicum | Fenugreek sprouts | Red cabbage |
Bay leaves, dried | Fernet Branca | Red clover tea |
Bean sprouts | Field mushrooms | Red currant |
Beans | Field mushrooms | Red lentils |
Beans, green | Fig (Ficus carica) | Red oak leaf lettuce |
Beef liver, boiled | Figs, dried | Red wine |
Beef liver, raw | Fish (spoiled) | Red wine |
Beef soup cube ‘Maggi’ | Fish mix 1 | Red-mix (E123, 132) |
Beef, boiled | Fish mix 2 | Rhubarb (Rheum officinale) |
Beef, raw | Frankfurter | Rice |
Beer | Frisee lettuce | Rock sugar |
Beer | Fruchtzwerg | Rock sugar |
Beer, nonalcoholic ‘Clausthaler’ | Fructose | Root parsley |
Beet sugar brown | Fruit tea | Rose hip tea |
Beet sugar brown | Fruit tea | Rose hip tea ‘Teekanne Fixbutte’ |
Beetroot | Fruit tea ‘Fixfrüchtetee Meinl’ | Rosemary, dried |
Berry nectar (ready drink) | Galingale (Alpinia officinarum) | Rosenrot Adaptogen |
Berry nectar (ready drink) | Garlic | Rum |
Bifido milk | Garlic | Rye |
Black beans | Gelatine | Rye sprouts |
Black imperatoria (Radix imperatoriae) | Giant bean sprouts | Sage, dried |
Blackberries | Ginger | Salami ‘Meinl’ |
Blackcurrant | Gingerbread spice | Salicylic acid |
Blood orange tea ‘Teekanne’ | Gliadin | Salmon |
Blossoms pollen | Gluten (spelt) | Salmon butter |
Blue fenugreek (Trigonella caerulea) | Gluten (wheat) | Salmon herring, raw |
Blueberries | Goat’s cheese, biological | Salmon oil |
Boletus mushrooms, dried | Goose | Sardines in olive oil (preserve) |
Boletus mushrooms, dried | Gooseberry | Sauerkraut |
Bombal (bratwurst) E 262, 331, 301, 300 | Granadilla | Sauerkraut |
Borrage oil | Grapefruit | Sausage (spoiled) |
Brazil nuts | Grapefruit stone capsules (Espara) | Savory, dried |
Bread (mixed) | Grapes, blue | Savoy cabbage |
Bread (spoiled) | Grapes, green | Sea salt |
Bread Drink ‘Kanne Brottrunk’ | Grappa | Sea salt |
Brewer’s yeast | Green runner beans | Sesame oil |
Brewer’s yeast | Guarana drink (Ritual) | Sesame, organic |
Brewer’s yeast | Guduchi tea (with cinnamon) | Sheep cheese, biological |
Broad beans | Halibut | Sheep’s yoghurt (pasteurized) |
Broccoli | Haricot beans | Sheeps yoghurt, raw |
Brown-mix (E104, 124, 127, 132) | Hawthorn | Shiitake fungi |
Buckwheat | Hazelnut | Shrimps |
Buckwheat tea | Herb salt ‘Herbamare’ | Sodium carbonate |
Buckwheat tea | Herb salt ‘Herbamare’ | Sodium fluoride |
Bulgur | Herb tea ‘Teekanne Fixkräutli’ | Sojanaise (vegetarian mayonnaise) |
Butter (spoiled) | Herbs de Provence | Sole |
Butter, pasteurized | Herring | Sourdough leavening agent |
Butter, pasteurized | Hokkaido pumpkin | Soya flour |
Butter, raw | Holy thistle | Soya flour |
Butter, raw | Honey | Soya granulate |
Buttermilk (pasteurized) | Horned melon (kiwano) | Soya granulate |
Cabbage turnip | Horse | Soya milk |
Cabbage, fresh | Horseradish | Soya milk |
Camomile tea ‘Teekanne Fixmille’ | Huckleberries, dried | Sparkling wine |
Camomile, dried | Human milk | Spelt |
Campari | Instant milk powder low-fat 1,5% | Spinach |
Cancer | Iodized salt | Squid |
Cane sugar | Iodized salt | SR Alpha 20 c |
Cane sugar | Isotonic drink ‘Isostar’ | SR Assimilaid |
Cannabis | Jeera / cumin | SR Calli |
Capers | Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tub.) | SR Conco |
Capers | Kamut | SR Fortune Delight |
Caraway | Kandisin (sweetener) | SR Lifestream |
Cardamon | Kandisin (sweetener) | SR Nuplus |
Carob | Kathon-CG (Euxyl) | SR Prime again |
Carrot | Kefir | SR Quinary |
Carrots | Kefir | SR Suncare |
Carrots, yellow | Ketchup | SR Vita taste |
Cashews | Kidney beans | Starfruit (karambol) |
Cauliflower | Kiwi | Stinging nettle tea |
Celery | Kiwi | Strawberries |
Celery | Knuspera (sausage) E 471, 472 | Strawberries |
Celery stalks | Kombucha tea fungus | Strawberry aroma |
‘Cenovis’ swiss spread | Kombucha tea fungus | Sugar (beet sugar, refined) |
Chanterelle | Krakowska turkey sausage | Sugar (beet sugar, refined) |
Cheese – Brie | Kumquat | Sugar vapour |
Cheese – Brie | La Pacho tea | Sugarcane molasses |
Cheese – Camembert | Lactic bacteria, dried | Sugarcane molasses |
Cheese – cow’s milk, raw | Lactose | Sulfadiazine |
Cheese – Edam | Lamb | Sulfaguanidin |
Cheese – gorgonzola | Lard | Sunflower oil |
Cheese – gorgonzola | Leavening agent – wholemeal, organic | Sunflower seeds |
Cheese – Gouda | Leberkaese | Super Ohtaka (Japanese fermenting prod.) |
Cheese – mountain cheese | Leeks | Super Ohtaka (Japanese fermenting prod.) |
Cheese – Parmesan | Lemal (liverwurst) E 471, 472 b/c | Sweet chestnuts |
Cheese – processed | Lemon | Sweet potato |
Cheese “Emmentaler” | Lemon | Sweet rice |
Cheese (cottage / cream cheese) | Lemon aroma | Sweet rice |
Cheese (spoiled) | Lemon aroma 1 | Swiss chard |
Cherries | Lemon balm, dried | Table salt |
Chicken meat, boiled | Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) | Table salt |
Chicken meat, raw | Lentil sprouts | Tahini (sesame paste) |
Chickpeas | Lentils, green | Tahini (sesame paste) |
Chili hull | Lettuce | Tamari sauce |
Chili hull | Lime tree blossom tea | Tamari sauce |
Chili powder | Linseed | Tamari sauce |
Chinese cabbage | Linseed oil | Tamarillo |
Chisandra Adaptogen | Liverwurst | Tangerine (peel and flesh) |
Chives | Lobster | Tapioca pearl sago (Thailand) |
Chocolate | Lovage root | Tapioca pearl sago (Thailand) |
Chocolate bar ‘Mars’ | Lovage, dried | Tarragon, dried |
Chocolate-nut spread ‘Nutella’ | LV acerola | Tartaric acid |
Cinnamic aldehyde | Lychee | Tartaric acid |
Cinnamon bark | Mackerel, raw | ‘Tartex’ vegetarian spread with herbs |
Cinnamon powder | ‘Maggi’ flavouring sauce | Tea (Earl Grey) |
Cinnamon, white | Mallow blossom, dried | Tea, black |
Clementine | Malt coffee | Tea, green |
Cloves | Maltodectrin (veal sausage) E 450, 471 | Thiomersal |
Coca Cola | Mango | Thistle oil |
Cocoa | Mangostan | Thyme leaf |
Coconut gratings | Maple syrup | Thyme, dried |
Coco-oil | Maracuja | Tobacco |
Cocoyams | Mare’s milk | Tofu, salted |
Cod fish | Margarine ‘Thea’ | Tomato |
Coffee | Margarine ‘Vita’ | Trout, raw |
Coffee, decaffeinated | Mayonnaise | Tsampa (Tibetan roasted barley) |
Cognac | Meat (spoiled) | Tuna |
Common mallow tea | Mega Blitz (cold cuts) E 450, 575, 330, 621 | Tuna in vegetable oil (conserve) |
Congo red | Melon (honeydew melon) | Turkey meat, boiled |
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) | Milk “light-milk”, 1 %, biological | Turkey meat, raw |
Corn oil | Milk (goat) | UHT milk 3,5% fat, ‘Milfina’ |
Corn starch | Milk (sheep) | Ultima Adaptogen |
Cornflakes ‘Schneekoppe’ | Milk (spoiled) | Unripe spelt grain |
Cornflakes ‘Schneekoppe’ | Milk in Tetrapack, ‘Milfina’ | Vanilla fruit |
Courgette | Milk vapour | Vanilla ice-cream |
Couscous | Milk, pasteurized | Vanilla planifolia |
Cous-Cous | Milk, raw | Vanilla sugar (synthetic flavour) |
Crab | Milk, raw | Vanilla sugar (synthetic flavour) |
Cranberries | Millet | Vanillinum |
Crawfish | Mineral water ‘Vöslauer’ | Veal, boiled |
Cream of tartar baking powder | Miso (barley) | Veal, raw |
Cream of tartar baking powder | Miso (barley) | Vegetable soup (deep-frozen) |
Cream, pasteurized | Mono- and diglyceride E 472 b/c, 450 | Venison, boiled |
Cream, raw | Monosodium glutamate E 621 | Venison, raw |
Crème fraîche, pasteurized | Mould (bread) | Vinegar (“Balsamico”) |
Cress | Mould (vegetarian spread) | Vinegar (“Balsamico”) |
Cucumber | Mung beans (soya), green | Vinegar (“Hesperiden”) |
Curcuma | Mungbean sprouts | Vinegar (“Hesperiden”) |
Curd, pasteurized | Mussels | Vinegar (apple) |
Curdled milk (pasteurized) | Mussels, boiled | Vinegar (apple) |
Curry powder | Mustard sprouts | Vinegar (red wine) |
Dandelion | Mustard, hot | Vinegar (red wine) |
Dates | Mustard, hot | Vinegar (red wine) |
Dates, dried | Mustard, sweet | Vodka |
Daurotin (brine) E 300, 301, 160c | Mustard, sweet | Wheat |
Dead Sea salt | Nashi pear (chinese pear) | Wheat |
Dextrose | Nectarine | Wheat extract flour |
Dextrose | Nutmeg | Wheat germ |
Dill | Nutmeg flower | Wheat germ oil |
Dill, dried | Nutrex yeast | Wheat sprouts |
Dry yeast | Oats | Wheat vapour |
Dry yeast | Okra (gumbo) | Wheatgrass |
Dry yeast | Olive oil | Whey |
Duck | Olive, black (in olive oil) | Whiskey |
Durum semolina | Olive, green | White pepper |
E 500 | Onion | White wine |
E102 tartrazine | Orange | White wine |
E104 quinoline yellow | Orange aroma | Wild boar |
E110 yellow-orange | Oregano, dried | Wild marjoram, dried |
E120 real carmine red | Ovomaltine | Wild rye |
E122 azorubine | Oyster mushroom | Willow herb tea |
E123 amaranth | Pale mussels | Worcester sauce |
E124 cochenille red A | Papaya | Worcester sauce |
E127 erythrosin | Paprica powder, “noble sweet” | Wurstquick (meat loaf) E 450, 451, 315, 621 |
E132 indigotine | Paprika peppers | Yam (Dioscorea batatas) |
E133 brilliant blue FCF | Paprika, green | Yeast |
E151 brilliant black BN | Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) | Yeast |
E200 sorbic acid | Parsley, dried | Yellow-mix (E104, 110, 124) |
Passion fruit | Yoghurt 1% fat (pasteurized) | |
Peaches |