Experiences from Kenya

Re: Case studies, BICOM®. I decided that before I send any other case studies, it [...]

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study – Assessing Lung Function

A male patient is struggling with shortness of breath. A BICOM® BodyCheck scan is conducted to [...]

Relief from Raw Skin – BICOM® Case Study

A female patient had been suffering for several years from a psoriasis-like skin condition that [...]

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study – Drug Abuse

One client had been reviewing several different Non-Linear Analysis Scanner (NLS) devices. NLS scanners are biofeedback, [...]

A clients reaction to our home blood tests?

We had a new client order a home blood test kit. After receiving the sample [...]

A Patient’s Successful Battle with H Pylori

A man with advanced-stage prostate cancer was suffering from severe nausea and vomiting, causing him [...]

Silent Stroke Detected Thanks to BICOM® BodyCheck

A holistic practitioner had been struggling for months with brain fog, a term which is [...]

BICOM® BodyCheck Case Study – Limping Man with EBV

The BICOM® BodyCheck is a useful tool for locating dysfunction in the body in order [...]