Celebrities used Bioresonance Therapy

newspaper with the title celebrity news

The celebrity culture has expanded rapidly in the last few decades, particularly after the growth of social media. People look up to celebrities and their lifestyles. They want to take part in activities their favorite celebrities do, use the same products, publish similar things on their profiles, and what not. Famous personalities influence, directly or […]

An Uncomplicated And Easy To Understand Overview Of Bioresonance Therapy

bicom device with all the accessories

Conventional medicine is advancing quickly, but there are still many diseases that are considered incurable and simply manageable. In these cases, symptoms are targeted by conventional pharmaceutical drugs – the disease itself is not stopped. At the same time, it should be noted that conventional medicine is known to cause many adverse effects – sometimes […]

Increase energy levels by using BICOM

three batteries side by side, one low on red, one mid way on orange, one full green

You need energy for absolutely everything you do. Lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and other factors deplete energy levels thus making you feel tired. Plus, some people have chronic fatigue syndrome which has a major influence on their quality of life. When left unresolved, fatigue makes it difficult for you to perform even […]

Bioresonance Therapy’s Role In The Management Of Trigeminal Neuralgia

words trigeminal neuralgia in black font on a white background with pencil beginning to erase the word

Trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively rare condition. The disease is also known as tic douloureux and results in chronic pain that affects various parts of the patient’s head. Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by an issue that affects the 5th cranial nerve, also known as the trigeminal nerve, hence the name “Trigeminal neuralgia.” This particular nerve […]